Sunday, 30 May 2010

Now I remember...

..Wherein it becomes gradually more apparant that physical intimacy is no longer freely available.

Ah, overriding emotional disparity, it's interesting to see you again. I have not missed you.

And I do not foresee us getting along.

Where the fuck do I start?

Friday, 23 April 2010

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


God forbid I should actually use this Blog to blog. But here goes nonetheless.

Things currently happening, rated in order of how much I am enjoying them:

1. New Café job, surprisingly;
2. Endless free Coffee that new Café job provides;
3. Surf Band. Coming soon: A name, maybe.
4. Found my Maps CD. Can't believe I forgot about this music;
5. Mailbox watching;
6. Thinking up ideas for comics then not drawing them cause they'll probably just seem like XKCD plagarisations;
7. Nathan Fillion.
8. Look Around You. I want Peter Serafinowicz to narrate my life;
9. Waiting for IT Crowd Season four. Come on....
10. Decisions, decisions. Want to take/plan/consider/be able to afford a holiday, to somewhere good. Chch fail.

Today at work a paraplegic man brought his empty coffee cup all the way from outside back to the counter just to be nice. And yet some other people (possessed of full mobility no less) won't even open their mouth to smile when I provide bitchin' service.

Hey world, how are you?

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Monday, 29 March 2010

Friday, 26 March 2010

Laugh out lol

Intruiging development. I am now a follower of myself.

So either I've become some sort of metaphysical doughnut-like entity passing forward and backward in time, or I've started a religion that I don't consider bullshit.

A little from column A...

Behind the scenes at 54 Cranford
