Thursday, 25 August 2011

Cause and effect

Switched to Marlborough lites, had two then got a nosebleed

Smoking: 1
Ché: 0

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Finally played ODST...

Words cannot express the sheer joy I experienced upon discovering this game lets you fight alongside a character voiced by, modelled after and stylistically inspired by Nathan Fillion.

So instead, here are some artists depictions of said joy.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Facebook Detox: Day three

Got the cold sweats again. Dropping off the face of social interaction is more trying than I had expected, but then again, facebook hadn't seemed all that social for me lately anyway.

If anyone wants to catch up with me, they are now going to have to put more effort in than just clicking and typing. Although I suppose texting would suffice. Otherwise, I guess I'm content to wallow away on my own, now more than ever.

A cleaner slate before a fresh start, here's hoping. Every vice seems to have found a way to kick me in the ass lately so denying everything the option through hermitisation (totes a word) seems practical.

And I'm sick of these goddamn aftershocks, fuuuuuck

Sunday, 17 April 2011


"Language is a synesthetic technology that allows us to encode information in sound patterns and transmit it wirelessly through time and space."

Terrence McKenna, you've struck a chord. Maybe talking is underrated.

Sunday, 10 April 2011


Dunedin. I like you more and more every time I visit. Something about the charismatic old houses, the wonderful company, the stimulating views both day and night. If I was still as entirely displaced situationally as a few weeks back, I would probably just up and move. However larger ambitions have now formed, so for the moment, Dunedin will have to remain my favourite nearby getaway spot.

To the boy I mistook for a girl on friday night, I would like to apologise for said misunderstanding. It was dark, you were very chatty and friendly, and in my defense you did look vaguely feminine, therefore I found it perfectly conceivable at the time that I was being chatted up. So, 'til next time, brother

With a tentative target dropped on the opposing end of the world, objectivity has set in, and the daily slog for cash feels a little more meaningful than it has for quite some time. Must stop spending loads on junk. Or at least minimise the following costs (or their usage):

*KO's Donuts
*Cola Mentos (The only true addiction)
*Fast food of differing varieties

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Better coffee names

Chocacino (Also Cinnacino)

Hot Mocholate (Redundancy woot)

Guesspresso (Single or double? Hot or cold? Clean cup? You figure it out)

Frat White (Consumed via yard glass)

Amerimeccano (assembly required)

I'm out

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Lost in Space

Sitting on the floor of a freshly vacuumed empty room, that only days ago housed my entire existence, struck me as uncomfortably metaphorical. The room is empty, the house continues, people come and I am gone.

I am fifteen again, living at home, no job or partner or other engaging distractions to fill the void. Have never felt quite so alone. But what they hey. Silver lining would be to see everything as an opportunity, a catalyst to kick me into gear and take advantage of some newfound total freedom, with or without the finances to realise any unfulfilled ambitions. Ultimately however positive thinking doesn't come quite as naturally as I had hoped, and the day to day struggle becomes one of differentiating between self-loathing and self-pity. Wondering what next I am going to inadvertedly or naievely fuck up.


Two can play at that game, Eamonn.


Thursday, 10 March 2011

Southern Comfort

Something of an epiphany. Pursuing the impractical meets unexpected progress, and reality seems to distort.

Dunedin has been kind. Rural hill views, rows of vibrant greenery and less-than-pleasant associated smells combine for a wonderfully stimulating daily excursion, traversing dusty roads and beaten tracks by duocycle while pondering why no-one else still listens to Supergrass. Though the mock-hollywood styled MOSGIEL sign has me recoiling in amazement that something so gauche and tragic was ever erected.

Have found a second bar worth frequenting, and I am no longer limited to two varieties of Emersons for on-the-town drinking. Bulmers Cider, I am in your debt.

EP is coming along. Second track nearly finished. Never been more proud of something I've helped create, and that includes the first time I successfully managed to deep-fry chicken at home.

Looking ahead feels both daunting and inspiring. Pending a financial shakeup, this year could hold any number of potential adventures.. whether worldly, musically, educationally or.. other? Somehow, feeling close to square one with just about everything feels like more of an opportunity than a hindrance.

Oh life, you so crazy

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Spastic Sarcastic

Well, shit. I suck at this. But if Sam can do it, so can I. Suck my literary prose you stilted hack.

I kid. Hugs buddy

Things are different. Places and people and things. I'd call it a transformative period if I actually felt it were transforming into anything of significance. Nonetheless.

Bands! Surf adventures await. Probably here, possibly down south, and hopefully up north. Logistics and practical considerations abound, we'll see if anything actually happens.

Bands! Who says you need a solid lineup. Never quite know what's best, though each year seems to add at least one element worth retaining.

Bands! CALH seems to have defined my year, I remain doubtful anything will quite be able to top the experience. Horizons have been expanded musically, socially and chemically, no doubt for the better.

Hello, goodbye